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Featured Pre-Order

Order Now, Get Your Books Later

Pre-orders for books are like opening weekends for movies. 

They show publishers how excited you are, drum up early support so publishers know how many books to print, how many to ship, where to ship them. They're an early indicator of how successful a book might be for a publisher, which tells them that yes, they should get the author under contract for a sequel or shop rights around for a movie adaptation or order more print runs of the author's backlist. They also tell us these same things, and help us know what books to order more of so that we're not sold out on the release date and you have to wait for our next shipment to come in. They give us support and tell the publishers that you are willing to support us and this book in our store. Pre-orders are one of the most important metrics of publishing, and we're making pre-ordering easier for you! 

This list is the books that we as a store are most excited about and would love to get to you as quickly as possible. These are books that the publishers are excited about, that they've been touting to us and to you through early reviews and marketing. These are just a select few of the myriad of books coming out soon, so don't think that these are the only ones available for pre-order. Anything you're excited for and you think should be on this list? Let us know. Pre-order it. And we'll get it to you on its release day. 

Pre-Order Now Badge
The Last Murder at the End of the World: A Novel Cover Image
ISBN: 9781728254654
Availability: Coming Soon - Available for Pre-Order Now
Published: Sourcebooks Landmark - May 21st, 2024

Pre-Order Now Badge
By Any Other Name: A Novel Cover Image
ISBN: 9780593497210
Availability: Coming Soon - Available for Pre-Order Now
Published: Ballantine Books - August 20th, 2024

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